Licorice is a valuable raw material and medicinal product

Licorice root, which grows on the banks of the Amu Darya River, is one of the national treasures of Turkmenistan. Licorice root (licorice) has been widely used in folk medicine since ancient times as a medicinal product, also in production of confectionery and cosmetics.
The collection, processing and export of the root to the domestic market of our country, also to foreign countries, is carried out by the agro-industrial complex "Buyan" of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. The company produces about 19,000 tons of raw licorice root per year. The products are in great demand on the world market and are exported to China, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Serbia. The work at the enterprise is set at a high organizational level.
It is important to note that today the rate of growth of production in the enterprise is much higher than last year. Work is under way to establish the production of new, important and increasingly demanded products from this raw material. This is evidenced by the construction of a modern plant for the production of glycyrrhizinic acid from the root of the sage in the 2nd industrial zone of Turkmenabat, which was officially opened and put into operation on the eve of a professional holiday for health workers and medical industry.
The commissioning of the plant, capable of producing 390 tons of glycyrrhizic acid per year, will further strengthen the country's economy.